Jumat, 23 April 2010


well, it really has been a long time since i updated my blog. probably 1 yrs and 6 month. it means 18 months or possibly said 540 days..

still , i consider it as an honour that blogspot.com doesn't delete this blog since it's really lack of update. (or probably i would say there's no update =P)

this time i wanna write about a salvation that i got during this 18months.

truly , i'm a lil bit sad about what do teens do about their dream these days.

my friends (probably my close friends) surely know that I'm a type of a people who like to fantasize something which is nearly impossible , and a also a big supporter of unusual , rare dreams.
(e.g : conquering the world , become someone who is well respected and known in the WORLD, become a great pokemon trainer (just kidding. haha) , or probably another else).

probably it sounds crazy , big mouthed or irritating. but i will always think , to never give up on something which is not impossible. I'm not talking about some religion things (although i DO trust them) such as moving a mountain , walking over water and another things which is not logical in human minds , but written in the bible that it'll be done with the faith.

I'm talking about things which is able to be viewed from the logical perspective of human's mind , but has a NEARLY 0% probability. Such as being a president of Indonesia , being a member of Diplomatic Organization , become a Captain of the Indonesian national football team and another things.

Sounds impossible? sure , at the first time I also thought like that. But , let's think.

-Has Obama , in his old days in Indonesia , think that he has the biggest chance to be the first black-skinned president in US?

-Has Leo Messi , in his past with his growth-disturbance disease ever seen by the public to get the biggest chance to be the best world player in 2009?

In my opinion , i would say no. I think they start with the almost same chance as a lot of person who has the same career as them. BUT the difference is that they dream about it , they desire it , they maximize their effort for it and SURELY they believe that with the hardworks , they'll have the chance to reach their dream.

How about talent? Surely it affect the chance of reaching the dream of someone right?

I am a people who believe that the world success is composed by 5 personality , which is 'hardworking' , 'tenacity' , 'modesty' , 'honesty' , and 'inspiring'.

-hardworking : reach the dream with laziness? just hope until the sun rises from the west.

-tenacity : 1 big problem and you've given up. so how are you supposed to face another BIG problem after you've been successful?

-modesty : some people said 'people have the right to be cocky if they have something to be cocked about'. yea , sometimes i agree with the statement. But i believe that a successful person isn't a person who is only success in his works , but also has a great personality , so he can be a role model for another person.

-honesty : a SUCCESSFUL person is a person who is trusted by another person , by all means has a good reputation in his career. so , how do you get one without being honest? =)

-Last-> Inspiring : a great man is not only a man who is successful in his works. But also able to inspire another people , to be a successful man such as or even more than him.

how about TALENT? talent for me is only a bridge to reach something higher. Important? yes , necessary? not really. Imagine we're in a city , and we want to get cross a lake to another city. What should we do?
1) Cross the bridge if the lake has any.
2) Just swim across it.
if there's a question about point 2 , 'what if there's some crocodiles in the lake?'
-My answer is , just find another way to cross the lake without being eaten or bitten or slashed or etc by the crocs.
Either buy a gun to shoot the crocs , bait the crocs with some big fish and swim swiftly across the lake or another things!

What i wanna mention with that story is. yeah , talent DOES help you to reach your dream , but even without TALENT , you will still be able to reach your dream!

One of the saddest thing i consider to this 'lack motivation to catch the dream problem' is that everyone in the present seems to value 'money' more than 'dream' , 'pride' , 'satisfaction' , 'joy' and your 'pure little heart' (sorry i don't know the english of hati kecil =D ).

yea yea i know. money is one of the most important things in the world. you need money to live in this world (in the earth to be specific , i don't know what does money called by aliens).
when you're alive , even to 3-p ( puke , pee and poop) you need MONEY. even you're death , you still need MONEY to pay for your tomb.

money is really important, yes. and that's why most of people in the earth fall down to the money's trap and CHASE them for all cost. that's the main problem. why should we be the one who chase money? why don't MONEY to be the one who chase us? is it possible? in my opinion , YES!
Analogy :
-Super Dog maniac likes dog. (I hate dogs , really)
-They can't live without dog. (Just assume it as a 'yes' please =) )
-They want to buy a dog , because there's a quality in that annoying creature(cute,loyal,etc)
-So they decided to work hard to purchase the dog

in the other hand

-there's a dog maniac who is really famous because of some reason i thought ( only an example)
-all dogs are racing to be his
-they wanted to be his because of some quality belonged to the dog maniac
-so the dog maniac decided to take some dogs

dog = money
dog maniac = person.

of course , i also consider this as a bad and weird analogy, since dogs do have feeling and money doesn't ='( .

But in this analogy , i want to ensure something.
when we've became a successful people , surely we have a great quality within us. when we have a great quality within us , jobs , bonuses and another lot of things will come upon us. For me , this is the path to be a person that is chased by money.

i believe that beside having great quality , successful men also are the people who ENJOY they work , although sometimes there could be problems upon their works.

And how to get the enjoyment in our work? simply put , just do the work the we desire , we dreamed and we love =). and that is some aspects that will be really hard to get if we only work to produce money! (although i don't say it is not possible)

and for the last section..

I want to share my thoughts about the keys to reach our dream :

1) Commitment -> without this , trust me. no thing could be done =). learn to do something with all of our hearts. This word has included the words 'Hardworks , Tenacity , and sacrifices.

2)Think that ' Whatever I can DREAM & BELIEVE I can ACHIEVE' , i would call it a faith to ourselves. Just believe that if another people could do it, so are you! And if no one has ever done that , go thanks God that you could become a legend if you do it.

3)Set CLEAR GOALS & ROUTES , then TAKE ACTION until you succeed .
E.g : to be a president of Indonesia , it'll be helpful if you make some plans in the futures that will support your journey to be a president of Indonesia. Like , you'll be going to University xxx with zzz major and another things. And NEVER FORGET to take action to the plans you're going to do , and never be scared to evaluate things or possibly change the plans if you see something better.

4) Consistency : Think deeply about what do you dream to be. Don't be an inconsistent brat who changes his target or hopes for each week , since it'll be a waste of time and energy if you keep starting things over and over again. Also learn to focus to an aspect which need to be done.

5) ENJOY the things you're doing. A lot of people forget to do this , since they're too busy to hone their skill or getting their job done. Always remember that being grateful will wash all of your boredom and anger away =) .

6)Be GRATEFUL for each MISTAKES you've made , and CONVERT them into a LESSON , so you wouldn't repeat them in the future. Sometimes people are too frustrated about the mistakes they've made in the past , and they lost their vision to make something better in the future because of their guilty feeling. But remember , be grateful for each mistakes you've made , because that means you've still got a lot to learn and that makes you could be improved to be better more!

7)Be an ANALYTICAL person.

Some people said being an OPTIMISTIC person is good because we could see a great chance spot , and some said it's bad because our optimistic vision could made us unaware of a great risk of failure. While some said that being a PESSIMISTIC person is good because we could be aware of a great risk of failure and some said that it's bad because our over-awareness could made us failed to see a great chance spot in a future.


just be an ANALYTICAL person who's aware for the WORST risk of failure , and could see the BEST chance spot in the future! =)

I do believe in destiny and fate. And I also believe that they are affected by our works and doings in this life. I do believe that fate and destiny were created to help people have a hopeful life and work hard to create their better future. So , let's reach our dream guys! =)


Credits : Jesus Christ ,my Family , and my best Friends who have inspired me to write this.

Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

Resolusi & Evaluasi 2008..

Resolusi taun 2008...

cpt bgt ya.. 2008 ud mo selse 1 jem lg.. keknya baru kmrn tu gw blg hepi new year 2008 ke fam en tmn2... skrg uda mo selse lg. tamba tua d.. hahahaha

yakk resolusi singkat aja buat taun ini.. apa aja yg hrs gw pelajarin dan perbaikin bwt kedepannyah..

Hari2 berkesan 2008..

Januari = pengumuman hasil LDK 2 pas desember.. fiuuuh gila lega bgt wkt nama gw ada di list sekbid 1 yg lolos. ahaha. pdhl jujur abis LDK 2 itu gw dah pesimis en yakin ga keterima. ehehe. disini gw belajar , bhw semua hal itu Tuhan yg tentuin.. dan tetep optimis sama kemampuan kita biar kita bisa all out 100% dlm memberikan sesuatu..

Februari = valentine (doh masi jomblo ni gw sampe skrg! ahahahaha)

Mared = Anniversary (beranjak 16 taoon.. senengg soalnya ternyata tmn2 SMP masi pd ngucapin en inget. wkwkwk)

Apreel = Easter.. (Manggil Franky Sihombing , tp lupa nawar hargaa.. ehehehe. *Maap ya Gete en Icin*.. hahaha). Plussss.. di paskah ini gw jd panit acara utk pertama dan terakhir kalinya di 2008. hahahaaa

May = Hari pendidikan. jd satpam nungguin pintu 2jem. hampir ktiduran gile. ahahaha. disni gw bljr bhw kt hrs setia dlm ngelakuin perkara2 kecil.. krn stlh kita setia dlm perkara kecil itu, Tuhan bkl percayain kita sm perkara yg lebi gede.. ^^

Juni = - UUB.. gile bgt ah pelajaran IPA gw yg biru cm 1.. kimia. ahahaha. sbnrnya buat yg mat sama fis gw cuek2 aja mera. soalnya emg mat gw bljr 1/4 doang.. sedang fis ga belajar sm skali(soalnya blajar ga blajar pst merah.. gw yakin! wkwkwk).. tp masalahnya bio itu loooh.. belajar 8 jem (smbl onlen sih) dan tetep merah.. gile gw sakit ati bgt pas itu. dah fotokopi bhnnya mahal , ms merah lg tu UUB. wkwkwk.. tp jujur disitu gw belajar bgt. bahwa ga semuanya yg kita pengen bisa terlaksana. kalopun kita gagal kita hrs lpg dada, ga nyerah and go on =P.

- Bali , udah 7 taun gw ga ksitu. skrg gw ksitu ama tmn2 gw. eheheee. fun bgt , walopun MENYITA BYK UANG dr domped. ahahahaa. plus disitu gw dpt pengalaman bwt seumur idup! ga bakal lupa. ehehehehe.

Jadiii bgini ceritanya , pada 1 hari.. tmn2 yg co kan bakal surfing semua tuh , dan sekedar info (saia ga lancar berenang. wkwkwk). dan tetep nekad2 aja utk ikut surf. awal2nya gada masalah , sampe akhirnya kebodohan saia yg pengen cari ombak lebih gede dan akhirnya kebawa arus sampe ke tengah laut. arusnya gedeee bgt , dan gw pun ngos2an en dah takut ga bisa balik ke pantai.

TAPIIII.. untungnya ada seorang teman yg baik hati , inisialnya WC (bkn water closet y..) tetep nungguin dan bantuin ke pantay. hehehe. SAYANGNYA.. ternyata si WC ini minus 6 jd kek ga bisa liat gt di tenga laut. ahahahaa. (Bayangin 2 orang di tenga laud , 1nya ga bisa renang , 1 nya ga bisa liad, wwkwkwk). Terus harapan kita naik krn ada surfer jepang yg mo bantuin.. akhirnya gw duluan yg ditolongin. tp di tengah2 jalan itu surfer ngos2an jg.. alhasil kita ditinggal.. huhuhuhu. Untungnya Tuhan sih baek bgt loh ngirimin lifeguard ke tengah lautan . ahahaa. dan akhirnya kita berdua terselamatkan.. wkwkwk

Dr situ gw blajarrr.. bahwa emang hidup kita sepi loh kalo ga ada tantangan.. tp kita hrs pilah dulu sebelom mengambil suatu tantangan.. apa kita uda cukup kompeten bwt nanganin tantangan itu ato blom.. hehe =p. Not forget to mention "THX WC!!" . ahaha.

Juli = - Bagi Rapod ( lega bgt naek kelas.. walopun dgn nile eko yg 65. hehe. merah 1 , fisika.. 59. wkwkwk. tp gpp deh , dr awal emg dah ngincer IPS kok. ahahaha)

- persiapan MOS. gile dah kek cape bgt gitu.. org laen lg pada liburan , kita tiap hari dateng ke sekolah bwt rapatin MOS. akhirnya kek ga ada liburan sama skali gitu. huhu. dan disini gw blajar , ketika kita udah ngambil 1 tanggung jawab , sebosen apapun , kt harus tetep taro komitmen pd tanggung jawab itu sbg bentuk rasa tanggung jawab kita.

- Jd PK pas MOS. Ngecekin Diary anak2 tiap hari. ahahaha. cape.. tp fun loh. hehe. Thx yap Jesslyn! =p

Agustus , September = blm ada de

Okt = SmukiCup.. (Panjang ni.. ntar aja bareng natal de ya.. ehehehehe)

November = Tggl 25.. gile pidato didpn 900 org. mampus grogi banget gw. mana yg laen pd afalin teks lg.. gw ga apal.. =.= untung ga dapet giliran pertama ato trakir.. Sbnrnya sih uda rasa2 pengen ngompol gt wkt maju didpn.. tp 3 org sblom gw pidato bgs bgt gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa... jd yah muka tembok dikit gpp dhe. diketawain ya nasib.. wkwkwk.

Desember = CHRISTMAS!! hal plg memorable bwt gw di taon 2008.. hehe. pertama kl ngerasain rasanya deg2an krn waktu persiapan yg bnr2 mepet. wkwkwk. tp berhubung rapat evaluasinya belooom , yg ini lanjut nanti yaaah ceritanya. hehehe. (uda kepanjangan jg sih ni entri. wkwkwk)

= LDK 2! abis natal yg bgitu cape , menguras tenaga fisik en mental. lgsg pergi berangkat ke LDK 2. mana gw en ingrid diasingin lg ke bis 1nya! huh! Tp LDK 2 ini mnurut gw asik bgt.. (terlepas dr tempat tidurnya yg @#$%^&*!!).. gamenya menurut gw sederhana , tp bisa ngajarin kita byk hal yg kita perlu dalam 1 organisasi. gw belajar byk dari LDK 2 kali ini, trutama game2nya.hhe. thanks yah buat 'kakak2' yg uda nyiapin LDK 2 ini. ahaha.

yah kira2 sgitu aja resolusi buat 2008 , hehehe (natal & Smukicupnya nyusul..), your comment will be very appreciated! =P
Smoga memberkati..

God Bless


Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

24 des~ my christmas eve!

sbnrnya tggl 24 ene berawal dgn kurang baik.. dr bangun jem 7.30 dan ga bisa tidur lagi..
berlanjut sampe 1 pak tissue yg abis buat buang2in ingus dr idung.. -,-

things couldn't get better sampe jem 13.30.. dengan bodohnya minum obat batuk 2x takaran.. (mustinya 3 sendok x 1/2.. gw minum 3 sendok x 1).. wkwkw

sbnrnya abis overdosis itu belom berasa apa2.. sebelom akhirnya jalan ke gereja GKY Puri brg fam jem 4.. ntah knp di mobil kok ngantuk bgt ya, pdhl gw dah tidur siang sblmnya.. sampe di gereja jam 4.45.. wkt msk disalamin sm om2 yg mukanya maksa 'girang' gitu deee. ahahaha

sampe didalem ruangan , cari tempat yg mojokk bgt biar jaga2 kalo ketiduran. ehehehe.
4.50.. mule berasa pengen kencing , tp wkt di toilet ga mo kluar.. waduh keknya dampak overdosisnya dah mule menjalar ke urin nih.wkwkwk. begitu balik ke ruangan , duduk lg.. dan bdn lgsg lemes plus laperrr bgt (pdhl gw dah minum susu ultra milk jem 12 , trus makan jem 1). ..

alhasil wkt jalan kebaktian ga bisa konsen.. sampe akhirnya ada drama.. sbnrnya dramanya teknisnya bagus (dub , sound sistem , multimed & acting playernya) , tp ntah knp pesan natalnya kurang kesampe gitu.. bandingin natal jaman dulu en jmn skrg..

akhirnya sampe jg ke bagian firman.. awalnya pendetanya ngomong geje gitu ttg nenek2 penjual beras yg numpang mobil jip.. nah wkt neneknya mo byr , sopir jipnya ga mau nerima duitnya en lgsg pergi gitu.. terus nenek2 itu marah.. 5menit kemudian ada polisi dtg nanyain ttg supir jip yg barusan.. nenek2nya blg gatau sambil marah2 , terus polisinya bilang kalo supir jipnya tuh ternyata sultan hamengkubowono ix. .
pertamanya sumpah bingung , apa hubnya sama natal..

tp ternyata emg ada bnrnya yah. ibarat Tuhan Yesus kita yg ngerendahin diri dari Tuhan sampe jd manusia dan tidurnya di kandang domba. pdhl kalo Dia mau Dia bisa aja minta dilahirin di istana jd anaknya Herodes.. disitu gw bljr , bhw Pemimpin gw (Yesus) aja mau ngerendahin diriNya , pdhl Dia bnr2 bkuasa.. jd gw sbg org Kristen jg harus bljr utk spt itu..

selanjutnya pendetanya melanjutkan kotbahnya dengan nada yg sangat haluus.. sehingga membuat badan mule lemes lg.. perasaan ingin kencing tp ga bisa kencing lg.. dan ngantuk lg.. sampe akhirna pendetanya ngucapin 1 hal yg mnurut gw.. bener2 nusuk sampe ke sel hati gw yg paling dalam.. *ga sampe sgitunya si..*

pendeta itu blg.. ga ada gunanya sama skali berapa ratus kalipun Yesus mau dilahirin.. kalo Dia ga lahir di hati kita.. kalo Dia ga hadir dlm hati kita.. disitu gw sadar , kalo natal bkn cm perkara asal Yesus lahir doang.. tp kehadiran Yesus di hati tiap org yg mau terima Dia dlm hidupnya.. =)

ibadah pun berlangsung sbagaimana sepertinya seharusnya.. sampe selse.. mnrt gw acaranya lmyn ok.. tp tetep kerenan natal skolah dong!! HONEY gitu lohh.. ahahaha. walopun agak ngantuk hr ini.. gw ttp brsyukur bs dateng ke gereja itu.. krn gereja itu dah nyadarin gw dlm bbrp aspek.. hehe

abis keluar gereja itu , sekeluarga pergi ke mid plaza makan malem.. terus ke GI borong buku yg didiskon 35 + 10% (pake kartu kredit apa gt..). lalu pulang dan tiduur (ga lupa minum obat batuk dgn takaran yg bener) hehe.

Thanks God buat Christmas Eve hari ini!
GBU buat semua yg baca!

Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

My First Blog

finally done my 1st blog.. gile registernya jg lama amat.. hahaha